The John Squad
(Please click here to chart your own progress - even though I'm the only one still doing this)
My Progress:
I can't believe I finished Chapter 7 this week! Maybe it seemed so easy just because Chapter 6 was so long and difficult, or maybe it's because the Holy Spirit is working overtime on me. Either way, I cruised right through this chapter and it's right up there with Chapter 2 as one of my favorites. This chapter came real easy to me so I am very encouraged. I can't wait to see what Chapter 8 is about.
Some Thoughts:
When the Pharisees send temple guards to arrest Jesus and they come back empty-handed, they are quite angry and say, "Has any of the rulers or of the Pharisees believed in him? No! But this mob that knows nothing of the law - there is a curse on them." I am so content to sit here and say that I am a proud member of the mob that knows nothing of the law. I'm just a happy follower of Jesus.
A couple times in this chapter, it mentions that people were trying to seize Him, but that no one laid a hand on Him. It's pretty clear that Jesus was miraculously escaping. I just like to wonder how He did it. Did He disappear? Or did He stop time so that everyone was frozen except Him and then walk away? That would've been neat to see.
It also shows how Sovereign God is. There are several references that say "His time had not yet come." God just has the perfect plan that He will work out in His perfect time. And since God never changes, I suppose He has all sorts of things planned out for me that will unfold at His time. Boy, I sure am glad that He's in charge, because I sure can screw things up a lot.
I think it's funny how they talk to Nicodemus. Obviously, he is coming around and has a very open mind regarding Jesus. His comment, "does our law condemn anyone without first hearing him to find out what he is doing" isn't even officially supporting Jesus. He's just telling the Pharisees that they ought to hear the guy out and he gets blasted for it.
I memorized this chapter so fast that I haven't taken the time to read through my commentaries. So I plan to slow down this week and read those while intensely reviewing previous chapters before I move onto Chapter 8.
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