
I have created a schedule that I will use as a guideline during my memorization.  I realize that there may be months when I might learn extra, or months where I struggle and do not meet my goal.  Having it charted out will keep me visually updated on my progress.

John has 879 verses.  Over 2 years, that equals 36.6 verses per month.  Rather than just assigning 36 verses to each month, I tried to divide them as equally as possible using the different subject headings that my Bible has.  This way, I have clear beginning and ending points rather than stopping in the middle of a section.

Using the memorization techniques that I have studied, I plan to read the monthly passage aloud 50 times.  Then I will go through and memorize the passage verse by verse.  When I can recite the entire passage 10 times without making a mistake, I will move onto the next passage.

Click here to see the chart I have made so that I can keep track of how many times I have read and recited each passage.

For all the tons of people who will be faithfully memorizing with me, I also created a daily schedule to follow (which works out to be 1-2 verses per day).  Click here to see the daily schedule.


  1. Heidi,
    I will be praying for you and following your blog here as you obediently follow God's leading in your life. I am "spurred on" to get back to memorizing Colossians:)Thank you!
    In Christ,

    1. Thanks so very much for your support! I will be praying for you in your endeavor to memorize Colossians as well.

  2. Heidi,

    I realize that I am coming in very late, but I found your blog when I began to feel God prompting me to memorize the book of John. Right now it seems overwhelming, but I hope to begin in January, using your schedules to keep me on track. Thank you for your encouragement! I can't wait to see what God does!

    God bless!

  3. Mary,
    I am so happy to hear how the Lord is working in your life and that you've been inspired to memorize His Word. I understand how you may be feeling overwhelmed but do not worry. Just take your time and keep plugging away. Don't allow yourself to become frustrated if you miss a few days or have difficulty with certain passages. If He inspired you to do it, He will be the one to give you the strength and determination you'll need. Thanks for looking through my blog. As you can see, God did amazing things through my experience. It changed my entire life. I'd love to hear how you're doing, so please check in soon!

  4. Hi Heidi, looking back now in 2024 are you still pleased you did it? What would be the biggest impact it still has on your life? (I've started on John 14 and am part-way through John 15). Thank you!!

    1. Hello Anonymous! I'm so glad to hear that you are memorizing John 14 & 15! To answer your question, yes, I am still extremely pleased that I did it! It has had the biggest spiritual impact, more than other experience in my lifetime. While I certainly can't recite most of the book now, I remember the lessons learned, the heart of Jesus, and how much I need God. During the time of memorizing John, my intimacy with Christ shaped my decisions and how my family lived. We were led to adopt a child from Haiti and my husband began school for Masters in Divinity. Years later now, he is Associate Pastor at our church, the child we adopted is thriving, and we have become a foster family in our county. These are decisions that I'm not sure we would have made unless God was doing an amazing work in our hearts. Memorizing Scripture is always life-changing, and while I no longer have the verse-by-verse recitation, the impact on my heart has been eternal!
      I encourage you to continue working through your memorization and don't ever give up!

    2. Hi Heidi, I’m ‘Anonymous’ (above). Thank you so much for the replying to my question and for the thoughtfulness of your response. I really appreciate it! God bless you and your husband and precious family. Thank you from here in New Zealand!!

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