Day: 118 Verses Memorized: 284 Working On: Reviewing Ch. 1-6
The John Squad
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My Progress:
This week I've been spending my time reviewing the previous 6 chapters before I move on to Chapter 7. I am very pleased with what I've learned about myself during this past week. At first, I was very disappointed and frustrated when I felt that I was forgetting previous chapters. However, after spending just a few days going over each chapter, I realize that these verses have indeed been imprinted upon my heart. It did not take a lot of effort to refresh my memory and be able to recite each chapter flawlessly again. I know for sure that as long as I peridocially review these chapters, they'll be in my heart forever. That is so encouraging and exciting.
Some Thoughts:
When I intially set out to spend the week reviewing the past 6 chapters, I figured I wouldn't have much to blog about, since I already commented on each passage as I went along. However, I was astonished at how profound a simple "review" experience could be.
It just amazes me how every word of this book points directly to Jesus. I didn't realize when I was going through verse by verse, but when you take the time to recite it altogether, you begin to see the big picture. He is just so awesome, so wonderful, so full of love, so enduring in patience, and so incredibly powerful that no human could ever possibly begin to express his greatness.
We are just so lost. We are so lost that sometimes we don't even know we're lost! We are foolish, proud, unbelieving and think we've got it all under control. We have no idea. Truly - - - no idea.
I feel like this book goes back and forth and between Jesus and people.
People are lost. Jesus seeks them out.
People are powerless. Jesus reaches out to them.
People are weak. Jesus saves them.
People deny Him. Jesus loves them anyway.
I can't begin to imagine what is still in store for me as I begin to continue on with Chapter 7 this week. This has truly been a rewarding experience on so many levels, and I'm only 1/3 of the way through. These brief thoughts only scratch the surface of the transformation that has occured in my heart since I've begun this journey.
Thank you, Lord for enabling me to come to you and learn from you. I can comprehend only a fraction of your greatness and it overwhelms me. Thank you for your Word and for calling me to embark on this journey of memorization. Thank you for opening my eyes and revealing yourself to me in ways I've never experienced. Please don't let me get in the way of your work in me. You are an awesome God. What a privilege to learn about you as I continue to carve your words into the depths of my heart.