Day: 139 Verses Memorized: 347 Working On: John 8:1-11
The John Squad
(Please click here to chart your own progress - even
though I'm the only one still doing this)
My Progress:
This week I discovered that "review weeks" simply do not work. This was the second time that I set aside a week to go back and review the previous chapters while resisting the temptation to move ahead. I have now realized that unless I am moving forward, I am not moving at all. Spending a week on review sounds really great, but when it comes down to it, I wimp out every time. I get too laid back and even skip days. So I am going to have to make a new commitment and I'm thankful I have this blog to hold me accountable to actually do it. I am going to recite one previous chapter each day before I am allowed to spend my time memorizing new verses. After I realized I wasn't spending the time in review that I should have been, I went on ahead and memorized the first ten verses of Chapter 8 anyway. (I initially considered not memorizing this section since it says that this story wasn't included in the earliest manuscripts, but then I figured I couldn't say that I memorized the entire book of John, so I reckon I'd better memorize it.)
Some Thoughts:
This one was a real eye-opener. This is the story of the woman caught in adultery and Jesus makes his famous remark, "if any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." I've heard this story a trillion times. But when I took the time to memorize it this week, I began to learn some new things about myself.
First of all, I think we're all on the woman's side on this one. The poor girl, right? The Pharisees are just treating her terribly, especially when they "made her stand before the group" and threatened to stone her. I am just overwhelmed with sympathy for this woman. I feel so sorry for her. I am sad that they are treating her that way. I'm embarrassed for her. No matter what her situation is, I am totally and completely on her side. That was Sunday and Monday this week, when I began memorizing this chapter.
Then Tuesday came and I was putting my girls to bed. We were reading through Exodus and we got to the story of the Ten Commandments. (Guess what, one of them says that we are not to commit adultery.) I kissed them goodnight, shut the door and as I walked down the hall, I stopped dead in my tracks. Why on earth am I so forgiving of this woman's SIN? Indeed, adultery IS a sin! Jesus Himself says at the end of this passage, "go now and leave your life of sin". Think about all the damage and pain that adultery can do to so many relationships. Why am I so sympathetic toward this woman?
As I reflected on these questions, I started to focus on Jesus and His reaction. After memorizing 7 chapters now, I can clearly see a pattern in the way that Jesus treats people. How He loves them. His patience. His mercy. His utter selflessness. What a beautiful picture of a loving Savior.
Unfortunately, I had a realization that was just about more than I could bear. Several weeks ago, I had deep struggles with Chapter 5 and memorizing the story about that stinkin' guy at the Pool of Bethesda. I was devastated that after hating him so much, I realized that he represented me. (I still struggle with this story when I go back and review it. It just makes me sick.) Well, I began to realize that the reason I side with the adulterous woman is because the teachers of the law and the Pharisees are just so bad. I would always choose to be on the opposite side of them. But as I examine how Jesus has love and mercy for the woman caught in sin, I am reminded of this: Sin is Sin. Period. "ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." That includes the Pharisees, this woman, the man at the pool, and me. This woman's sin is no better or worse than the Pharisees.
Obviously, being a Christian for a long time, we come to understand this idea that sin is sin, no matter what. We know that there are no measures to sin. There are no "good" sins or "little" sins. So I'm not sure why this concept has hit me as a new realization this week. I just always held the Pharisees at a different level than everybody else and thought of them as the enemy. They're just so easy to hate. But when I stop and look at Jesus, I see that He treated them with just as much mercy, love, and respect as He did everybody else.
So I guess I realized that yes, this adulterous woman should receive my mercy and love for her wicked sin (and I should not minimize that sin). But I also realized that the Pharisees and the teachers of the law should receive my mercy and love for their wicked sin as well. I need to stop holding a grudge against them and remember that just like the man at the Bethesda Pool, I am just as wretched and sinful. So not only am I the jerk in Chapter 5... I'm a Pharisee too. This is just too much.
A blog sharing my journey as I memorize the Book of John. Beginning in April 2012 - with a goal of completing it in 2 years.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Week 19: I'm in the Mob
Day: 132 Verses Memorized: 337 Working On: Review
The John Squad
(Please click here to chart your own progress - even though I'm the only one still doing this)
My Progress:
I can't believe I finished Chapter 7 this week! Maybe it seemed so easy just because Chapter 6 was so long and difficult, or maybe it's because the Holy Spirit is working overtime on me. Either way, I cruised right through this chapter and it's right up there with Chapter 2 as one of my favorites. This chapter came real easy to me so I am very encouraged. I can't wait to see what Chapter 8 is about.
Some Thoughts:
When the Pharisees send temple guards to arrest Jesus and they come back empty-handed, they are quite angry and say, "Has any of the rulers or of the Pharisees believed in him? No! But this mob that knows nothing of the law - there is a curse on them." I am so content to sit here and say that I am a proud member of the mob that knows nothing of the law. I'm just a happy follower of Jesus.
A couple times in this chapter, it mentions that people were trying to seize Him, but that no one laid a hand on Him. It's pretty clear that Jesus was miraculously escaping. I just like to wonder how He did it. Did He disappear? Or did He stop time so that everyone was frozen except Him and then walk away? That would've been neat to see.
It also shows how Sovereign God is. There are several references that say "His time had not yet come." God just has the perfect plan that He will work out in His perfect time. And since God never changes, I suppose He has all sorts of things planned out for me that will unfold at His time. Boy, I sure am glad that He's in charge, because I sure can screw things up a lot.
I think it's funny how they talk to Nicodemus. Obviously, he is coming around and has a very open mind regarding Jesus. His comment, "does our law condemn anyone without first hearing him to find out what he is doing" isn't even officially supporting Jesus. He's just telling the Pharisees that they ought to hear the guy out and he gets blasted for it.
I memorized this chapter so fast that I haven't taken the time to read through my commentaries. So I plan to slow down this week and read those while intensely reviewing previous chapters before I move onto Chapter 8.
The John Squad
(Please click here to chart your own progress - even though I'm the only one still doing this)
My Progress:
I can't believe I finished Chapter 7 this week! Maybe it seemed so easy just because Chapter 6 was so long and difficult, or maybe it's because the Holy Spirit is working overtime on me. Either way, I cruised right through this chapter and it's right up there with Chapter 2 as one of my favorites. This chapter came real easy to me so I am very encouraged. I can't wait to see what Chapter 8 is about.
Some Thoughts:
When the Pharisees send temple guards to arrest Jesus and they come back empty-handed, they are quite angry and say, "Has any of the rulers or of the Pharisees believed in him? No! But this mob that knows nothing of the law - there is a curse on them." I am so content to sit here and say that I am a proud member of the mob that knows nothing of the law. I'm just a happy follower of Jesus.
A couple times in this chapter, it mentions that people were trying to seize Him, but that no one laid a hand on Him. It's pretty clear that Jesus was miraculously escaping. I just like to wonder how He did it. Did He disappear? Or did He stop time so that everyone was frozen except Him and then walk away? That would've been neat to see.
It also shows how Sovereign God is. There are several references that say "His time had not yet come." God just has the perfect plan that He will work out in His perfect time. And since God never changes, I suppose He has all sorts of things planned out for me that will unfold at His time. Boy, I sure am glad that He's in charge, because I sure can screw things up a lot.
I think it's funny how they talk to Nicodemus. Obviously, he is coming around and has a very open mind regarding Jesus. His comment, "does our law condemn anyone without first hearing him to find out what he is doing" isn't even officially supporting Jesus. He's just telling the Pharisees that they ought to hear the guy out and he gets blasted for it.
I memorized this chapter so fast that I haven't taken the time to read through my commentaries. So I plan to slow down this week and read those while intensely reviewing previous chapters before I move onto Chapter 8.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Week 18: Moving Right Along
Day: 125 Verses Memorized: 308 Working On: Chapter 7:25-41
The John Squad
(Please click here to chart your own progress!)
My Progress:
Sometimes memorizing comes really easy and thankfully, this was one of those weeks. I'm usually pretty good at the beginning of the chapters. It seems that each chapter begins with a story and ends with philosophy. I'm good at the story parts! I'm happy that I've broken the 300 verse mark. I suppose it could be disheartening to think that there are 879 total verses so I still have over 500 to go. But for now, I'm rejoicing in my accomplishment.
Some Thoughts:
The first part of this chapter is a conversation between Jesus and his brothers. It was interesting right from the beginning because I never paid much attention to his earthly brothers before. However, I found it unfortunate that their comments only showed their unbelief, just like everyone else.
I think it's funny how Jesus says He's not going to the Feast, but then goes anyway in secret. He must have been quite the mysterious fellow. (So I guess next time I have to lie so I don't ruin someone's surprise party, I won't have to feel quite as guilty.)
The John Squad
(Please click here to chart your own progress!)
My Progress:
Sometimes memorizing comes really easy and thankfully, this was one of those weeks. I'm usually pretty good at the beginning of the chapters. It seems that each chapter begins with a story and ends with philosophy. I'm good at the story parts! I'm happy that I've broken the 300 verse mark. I suppose it could be disheartening to think that there are 879 total verses so I still have over 500 to go. But for now, I'm rejoicing in my accomplishment.
Some Thoughts:
The first part of this chapter is a conversation between Jesus and his brothers. It was interesting right from the beginning because I never paid much attention to his earthly brothers before. However, I found it unfortunate that their comments only showed their unbelief, just like everyone else.
I think it's funny how Jesus says He's not going to the Feast, but then goes anyway in secret. He must have been quite the mysterious fellow. (So I guess next time I have to lie so I don't ruin someone's surprise party, I won't have to feel quite as guilty.)
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Week 17: Review Week
Day: 118 Verses Memorized: 284 Working On: Reviewing Ch. 1-6
The John Squad
(Please click here to chart your own progress!)
My Progress:
This week I've been spending my time reviewing the previous 6 chapters before I move on to Chapter 7. I am very pleased with what I've learned about myself during this past week. At first, I was very disappointed and frustrated when I felt that I was forgetting previous chapters. However, after spending just a few days going over each chapter, I realize that these verses have indeed been imprinted upon my heart. It did not take a lot of effort to refresh my memory and be able to recite each chapter flawlessly again. I know for sure that as long as I peridocially review these chapters, they'll be in my heart forever. That is so encouraging and exciting.
Some Thoughts:
When I intially set out to spend the week reviewing the past 6 chapters, I figured I wouldn't have much to blog about, since I already commented on each passage as I went along. However, I was astonished at how profound a simple "review" experience could be.
It just amazes me how every word of this book points directly to Jesus. I didn't realize when I was going through verse by verse, but when you take the time to recite it altogether, you begin to see the big picture. He is just so awesome, so wonderful, so full of love, so enduring in patience, and so incredibly powerful that no human could ever possibly begin to express his greatness.
We are just so lost. We are so lost that sometimes we don't even know we're lost! We are foolish, proud, unbelieving and think we've got it all under control. We have no idea. Truly - - - no idea.
I feel like this book goes back and forth and between Jesus and people.
People are lost. Jesus seeks them out.
People are powerless. Jesus reaches out to them.
People are weak. Jesus saves them.
People deny Him. Jesus loves them anyway.
I can't begin to imagine what is still in store for me as I begin to continue on with Chapter 7 this week. This has truly been a rewarding experience on so many levels, and I'm only 1/3 of the way through. These brief thoughts only scratch the surface of the transformation that has occured in my heart since I've begun this journey.
Thank you, Lord for enabling me to come to you and learn from you. I can comprehend only a fraction of your greatness and it overwhelms me. Thank you for your Word and for calling me to embark on this journey of memorization. Thank you for opening my eyes and revealing yourself to me in ways I've never experienced. Please don't let me get in the way of your work in me. You are an awesome God. What a privilege to learn about you as I continue to carve your words into the depths of my heart.
The John Squad
(Please click here to chart your own progress!)
My Progress:
This week I've been spending my time reviewing the previous 6 chapters before I move on to Chapter 7. I am very pleased with what I've learned about myself during this past week. At first, I was very disappointed and frustrated when I felt that I was forgetting previous chapters. However, after spending just a few days going over each chapter, I realize that these verses have indeed been imprinted upon my heart. It did not take a lot of effort to refresh my memory and be able to recite each chapter flawlessly again. I know for sure that as long as I peridocially review these chapters, they'll be in my heart forever. That is so encouraging and exciting.
Some Thoughts:
When I intially set out to spend the week reviewing the past 6 chapters, I figured I wouldn't have much to blog about, since I already commented on each passage as I went along. However, I was astonished at how profound a simple "review" experience could be.
It just amazes me how every word of this book points directly to Jesus. I didn't realize when I was going through verse by verse, but when you take the time to recite it altogether, you begin to see the big picture. He is just so awesome, so wonderful, so full of love, so enduring in patience, and so incredibly powerful that no human could ever possibly begin to express his greatness.
We are just so lost. We are so lost that sometimes we don't even know we're lost! We are foolish, proud, unbelieving and think we've got it all under control. We have no idea. Truly - - - no idea.
I feel like this book goes back and forth and between Jesus and people.
People are lost. Jesus seeks them out.
People are powerless. Jesus reaches out to them.
People are weak. Jesus saves them.
People deny Him. Jesus loves them anyway.
I can't begin to imagine what is still in store for me as I begin to continue on with Chapter 7 this week. This has truly been a rewarding experience on so many levels, and I'm only 1/3 of the way through. These brief thoughts only scratch the surface of the transformation that has occured in my heart since I've begun this journey.
Thank you, Lord for enabling me to come to you and learn from you. I can comprehend only a fraction of your greatness and it overwhelms me. Thank you for your Word and for calling me to embark on this journey of memorization. Thank you for opening my eyes and revealing yourself to me in ways I've never experienced. Please don't let me get in the way of your work in me. You are an awesome God. What a privilege to learn about you as I continue to carve your words into the depths of my heart.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Week 16: 32.3%
Day: 111 Verses Memorized: 284 Working On: Reviewing Chapters 1-6
The John Squad
(Please click here to chart your own progress!)
My Progress:
Wahoooo! I finished Chapter 6! I have officially memorized 32.3% of the Book of John. When I first crunched the numbers I thought, "ooh hooray - only .7% and I'll be one-third through." I figured I'd go memorize a quick verse to get there until I realized that .7 is actually FIVE more verses! Anyway, we took a long car ride this week to visit family and I was excited to have multiple hours where the children were physically restrained in one place and I could concentrate. Reading in the car makes me sick, so my husband was able to put Chaper 6 on his ipod so I could memorize it by ear, which was an interesting change of pace. My thumb cramped up from constantly pushing the button to go backward. I'm not kidding. So this week I am going to take a break and go back for review. I am always way too excited to make more "progress" and just keep plowing forward. I neglect to spend the necessary time in review to maintain the previous chapters. So I'm going to spend this week going over Chapters 1-6 and then continue reviewing a previous chapter each day as I progress through Chapter 7.
Some Thoughts:
The rest of Chapter 6 talks about Jesus being the Living Bread that comes down from heaven. I continued reflecting on how Jesus is spiritual bread and those who come to Him will never go hungry. It is just amazing how He meets our every need and leaves us wanting nothing.
"No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him." (6:44) This whole idea poses so many theological questions and I know that I'll never be able to understand it all. But what I do know is this: I am so very, very thankful to be one of those that the Father chose to draw to Himself.
"From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him." (v.66) This verse just made me sad.
Not my best reciting of a chapter, but give me a break - it's 71 verses.
The John Squad
(Please click here to chart your own progress!)
My Progress:
Wahoooo! I finished Chapter 6! I have officially memorized 32.3% of the Book of John. When I first crunched the numbers I thought, "ooh hooray - only .7% and I'll be one-third through." I figured I'd go memorize a quick verse to get there until I realized that .7 is actually FIVE more verses! Anyway, we took a long car ride this week to visit family and I was excited to have multiple hours where the children were physically restrained in one place and I could concentrate. Reading in the car makes me sick, so my husband was able to put Chaper 6 on his ipod so I could memorize it by ear, which was an interesting change of pace. My thumb cramped up from constantly pushing the button to go backward. I'm not kidding. So this week I am going to take a break and go back for review. I am always way too excited to make more "progress" and just keep plowing forward. I neglect to spend the necessary time in review to maintain the previous chapters. So I'm going to spend this week going over Chapters 1-6 and then continue reviewing a previous chapter each day as I progress through Chapter 7.
Some Thoughts:
The rest of Chapter 6 talks about Jesus being the Living Bread that comes down from heaven. I continued reflecting on how Jesus is spiritual bread and those who come to Him will never go hungry. It is just amazing how He meets our every need and leaves us wanting nothing.
"No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him." (6:44) This whole idea poses so many theological questions and I know that I'll never be able to understand it all. But what I do know is this: I am so very, very thankful to be one of those that the Father chose to draw to Himself.
"From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him." (v.66) This verse just made me sad.
Not my best reciting of a chapter, but give me a break - it's 71 verses.
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