Day: 146 Verses Memorized: 357 Working On: John 8:25-44
The John Squad
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doing this
My Progress:
4:30 in the morning - it's the only way... In order to be able to exercise and spend time with the Lord before the family is in the mix, I have to get up at 4:30, and there's just no way around it. This week I stayed committed to my promise that I will not start working on Chapter 8 for the day until after I have recited at least one previous chapter. I find the review so annoying because I just want to keep making progress but of course, I understand the importance of not losing what I've already done! I guess I'm not surprised that the verses I initially struggled with back when I first did them are the same verses I still stumble on now. Chapter 6 is a killer. But even though that voice creeps in my head sometimes, "Heidi, this is way too much - you're never going to be able to recite all of it", I am still going strong and refuse to give up. This week was particularly hard as it was the first week of school. My husband goes back to work teaching, and homeschooling is in full swing. But like my Pastor always says, "God's Will will never lead you where His grace won't keep you." And I am thankful that His grace is keeping me going ...even at 4:30 in the morning.
Some Thoughts:
Sin Management. That pretty much sums up my life. Just about everything I do has something to do with sin. I am either sinning, experiencing consequences of sin, or cleaning up after someone else's sin. Sin management! My day looks like this: a child sins, so the sibling responds in sin. Being the strong Christian that I am, I keep a level head and patiently guide the children toward biblical behavior. That lasts until about 7:30am. The rest of the day goes like this: a child sins, the sibling sins, I completely lose my patience and respond to them both in sin. We spend the rest of the day dealing with the consequences of all our sin: Punishments, bad moods, hurt feelings, regretful words spoken, sometimes physical injury, and while I am ashamed to admit, an occasional hole in the wall.
I am just SO SICK OF SIN!!
The reason I am thinking about this is Chapter 8:29. "The one who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone, for I always do what pleases him." Oh boy... So where does my sin fit into that verse? I was all fine and good reading about how God is with us; He never leaves us alone. Ooh, warm fuzzy frillies. How wonderful. But let's read on, folks! "for I always do what pleases him." Let me take a moment to reflect upon my day... have I always done what pleases him? Mmmm - NOPE!
Sin Management.