Sunday, April 1, 2012



I have created a schedule that I will use as a guideline during my memorization. I realize that there may be months when I might learn extra, or months where I struggle and do not meet my goal. Having it charted out will keep me visually updated on my progress.

John has 879 verses. Over 2 years, that equals 36.6 verses per month. Rather than just assigning 36 verses to each month, I tried to divide them as equally as possible using the different subject headings that my Bible has. This way, I have clear beginning and ending points rather than stopping in the middle of a section.

Using the memorization techniques that I have studied, I plan to read the monthly passage aloud 50 times. Then I will go through and memorize the passage verse by verse. When I can recite the entire passage 10 times without making a mistake, I will move onto the next passage.

Click here to see the chart I have made so that I can keep track of how many times I have read and recited each passage.

For all the tons of people who will be faithfully memorizing with me, I also created a daily schedule to follow (which works out to be 1-2 verses per day). Click here to see the daily schedule.